Oxymax W COS51D-GS810
SN: M9013805O00 (geen beschermdop)
SN: P7042205O00
SN: P707A305O00
SN: P8089C05O00
SN: P8089D05O00
SN: P905EA05O00
SN: P9084A05O00 (used but new)
SN: P9084C05O00 (used but new)
SN: P9084E05O00
a reliable and highly accurate
oxygen sensor for all kinds of water & wastewater applications (including
hazardous areas). Designed to be low-maintenance with a long operating
life, the sensor offers outstanding value for money.
• Measurement range 0.01 to 100 mg/l 0.00 to 1000 %SAT 0 to
2000 hPa
• Process temperature -5 to 50 °C (20 to 120 °F)
• Process pressure max. 10 bar (max. 145 psi)
De sensors zijn gebruikt.
Er zijn negen gebruikte sensors op voorraad.
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